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Re: Kids in ES 5

I guess kids would make it seem more realistic...but... ...I guess that would have to be delicately handled if at all. Sure, it would add to the world's immersion factor, but then there would be those people who always ruin everything for everyone. Maybe they could pull them off if they were essenti...
by luxwing
January 3rd, 2011, 3:31 am
Forum: Skyrim Discussion
Topic: Kids in ES 5
Replies: 57
Views: 221297

Re: Should the TES 5 allow charicter imports?

I think it would be neat to have them come back as the new 'Sheogorath' if there is an expansion similar to the Shivering Isles.

Silly, but neat.
by luxwing
January 3rd, 2011, 3:27 am
Forum: Skyrim Discussion
Topic: Should the TES 5 allow charicter imports?
Replies: 8
Views: 44627

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