
ye old storytellers inn

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Re: ye old storytellers inn

Postby altmer_monk_0 » July 11th, 2011, 8:38 am

this crazy thing happened, i was jumping roof to roof in the imperial city market disterect and i got bored so started hurling fireballs at the street below. i was having so much fun watching the gaurds run at the wall trying to arrest me wen i walked to the center of the roof and one of the gaurds jumps up onto the roof from the streets and arrested me. i was all like :o 4 haf an hour strate.
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Re: ye old storytellers inn

Postby altmer_monk_0 » July 11th, 2011, 9:07 am

i was on the last quest 4 the KToN pluggin and im at one of the gates. so my men r waiting 4 me to open it, im about to open it but i decided to check and c if every one had ful helth(all the knights r still alive at this point), sum r hurt so i use the healing spell the gauntlets of the crusader give u, i was at the wood elf named brellin wen i axidently hit a hotkeyed destruction spell(didnt kill him) and he starts attacking me. i try 2 yeid him but he refuses so i fight back n kill him, but then it sas the hole nine hav noticed bla bla bla and all the crusaders rellix are unequiped and i cant put them back on, this sux cuz im on the mission were U KILL UMARIL. i tryed without the rellix and failed. i was slaughtered brutily :cry:
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Re: ye old storytellers inn

Postby The Ninja » September 28th, 2011, 8:51 am

Okay, so.... North Gate of Bruma. I'm innocently escorting Martin to Cloud Ruler Temple, and this Imperial Forester comes out of NOWHERE, firing arrows over my shoulder. I was about to get off my horse and fight him, then he ran right past me, and drew another arrow. It took me a bit, but I realized, he was chasing a poor 'ol deer. The deer ran into the north gate of Bruma, then bounded out. It was truly a hilarious scene to witness.... Silly Foresters.....
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Re: ye old storytellers inn

Postby altmer_monk_0 » October 7th, 2011, 12:37 am

ya i hate foresters. one time i was innocently pillaging a village of completely defenseless villagers, when out of nowhere on shows up and tries to arrest me. party poopers they are... :(
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Re: ye old storytellers inn

Postby The Ninja » October 8th, 2011, 5:33 am


So, THIS TIME, outside of Bruma again, I see another forester, chasing a deer.

I follow him, and he runs into ANOTHER forester. They both are shooting at the deer, and one Forester's arrow hits the other, so after dispatching the deer, they turn on each-other. If I had a video-capturing device, I have a saved game RIGHT in the middle of the archer-battle. They just took shot after shot after shot at each other, until one fell. To make it even more chaotic, there was a gate to Oblivion right up the hill, so there were some Daedra coming down toward the living forester and me. We killed them, and the dude just strolls off with his torch in hand.

What a loon. XD
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Re: ye old storytellers inn

Postby Vedos » October 18th, 2011, 6:20 pm

I have a decent story.
I had created a new character and I thought that I need to raise his Alchemy skill. So, I was trying to find some Steel-Blue Entoloma's around Chorrol for Restore Magicka potions. Well I found this little fort ruin just a bit south of Chorrol, that wasn't marked on the map. There were only the walls left and it was filled with huge rocks. I normally passed it when I heard horse riding. I looked for the road but there was nobody there. Then I turned around to look into the forest. Nothing.
Then I looked in the ruins and saw a shadow next to one of the huge rocks that were around there. I came closer to it and realised: There was a Courier inside the rock! Then she greeted me and continued to run inside there. It was funny to see.
I filmed a short about it and put it in YouTube. Here's the link, if you want to see it.
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Re: ye old storytellers inn

Postby Tom » October 18th, 2011, 10:54 pm

Haha, that's interesting. Glitches like that always make me wonder how they got into that predicament in the first place.
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Re: ye old storytellers inn

Postby altmer_monk_0 » October 26th, 2011, 8:58 pm

i was playing once and i had a MASSIVE bounty. i walked into leyawin, and the dialog menu appears giving me the choice go to jail or not, but there was no one there, i hit resist arrest, and i juust stood there (cuz nobody was there) and all of the sudden, im taking health damage!
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