
ES Save Updater (Beta) for Windows now available!

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ES Save Updater (Beta) for Windows now available!

Postby Tom » October 1st, 2016, 4:57 am

I am pleased to announce that we finally have a Beta version of our new ES Save Updater application for Windows available for download!

ES Save Updater is a desktop application for Windows that automatically keeps your characters' Elder Stats profiles up-to-date as you play the game. The app runs in the background, watching for changes to your Elder Scrolls save files. Whenever a new save is created or an existing save is updated, the app extracts data from the file and updates the corresponding character on your Elder Stats account. This prevents the need to manually update your characters' profiles, making the update process seamless.

» Click to visit the Download page «

Please note that this is a Beta version of the app. As such, some features are currently missing (such as support for Oblivion save files), and some bugs are sure to crop up. Please help us by posting any comments, suggestions, or bug reports in the ES Save Updater forum. Thanks for your help!
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Re: ES Save Updater (Beta) for Windows now available!

Postby LoardVader » March 28th, 2017, 8:36 pm

Will the next version have support for Skyrim SE saves?
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Re: ES Save Updater (Beta) for Windows now available!

Postby Tom » May 6th, 2017, 6:25 pm

LoardVader wrote:Will the next version have support for Skyrim SE saves?

That was the original plan. However, it appears that the app has not received a lot of use since it was released. For this reason, I'm thinking I may not continue to update it going forward.
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