
Revision of the Character Score System

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Re: Revision of the Character Score System

Postby Xavier » May 22nd, 2009, 9:16 pm

Well, for now we are just going to keep the scoring system and revise it. If we ever do get rid of the score system we will definitely still keep the leader boards though. About the exploits, we have that pretty much under control with the system we have right now.
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Re: Revision of the Character Score System

Postby Mr. Oblivion » May 30th, 2009, 7:49 am

Teinaava wrote:I think a character's score should be based on his/her primary statistics (Health, Magicka, Fatigue, Level, Attributes, and Skills).

I think this is best. Everything is just superficial and doesn't matter much.
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Re: Revision of the Character Score System

Postby Hope of Sparta » June 24th, 2009, 12:29 am

It should be based on things that can't be easily spammed.

Thus, I agree on overall stats like health and magicka, as well stuff like how high your skills are. Having high fame, infamy, oblivion gates closed, and other stuff that can not be easily spammed should be considered as well.

Including factors on stuff like objects stolen will break the system.
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Re: Revision of the Character Score System

Postby Xavier » June 24th, 2009, 12:40 am

Yeah, that's true, Hope of Sparta. I guess we could keep the fame and infamy. I'm not sure if we should keep Oblivion Gates Shut though, unless everyone agrees on it.
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Re: Revision of the Character Score System

Postby Hope of Sparta » June 24th, 2009, 6:10 am

Xavier wrote:Yeah, that's true, Hope of Sparta. I guess we could keep the fame and infamy. I'm not sure if we should keep Oblivion Gates Shut though, unless everyone agrees on it.

Yeah that might be a problem seeing as how you only have a certain window of when you can close the gates.

I got a question though...how do these factors work?

Do factors multiply together(having 20 fame multiplies score by 2) to come up with a score or are things added together(having 20 fame adds 20 to your overall score)?
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Re: Revision of the Character Score System

Postby Tom » June 24th, 2009, 5:33 pm

Originally, the factors were averaged together (added together, then divided by the number of factors included). See more about Score calculation here. However, we could change the calculation method for character Score in the future, if it seems sensible.
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Re: Revision of the Character Score System

Postby whoman69 » September 14th, 2009, 4:31 am

One comment I would make about the scores is they are heavily weighted to the anti-hero. Looking at the top of the leaderboard the big stat that sets them apart is the huge number of items stolen which strongly weighs the sytem to them. It is an RPG and I don't think people should be penalized because their character isn't the type to be indiscriminately stealing/killing.

I also don't believe that some of the attributes presented are even possible given the race/birthsign/level of these characters. Its a website. There should be no need to pad stats to make oneself look better. I am also seeing some stats that could only be achieved with mods or enchantments. The attributes section clearly states to list them without attributes. There is no similar notation for section 1 but I simply understood it to be the case. Should that section also have that notation?
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Re: Revision of the Character Score System

Postby Tom » September 14th, 2009, 8:59 pm

Those were some good points there, whoman69. I can now see where the current Score system is at fault with regards to that.

whoman69 wrote:The attributes section clearly states to list them without attributes. There is no similar notation for section 1 but I simply understood it to be the case. Should that section also have that notation?

I didn't think about adding such a notation for Section 1, but I suppose it would make sense. Things like Magicka, Health, and other attributes listed in Section 1 could be effected by enchantments and Mods. Although I doubt this will stop people from posting false statistics in that section, it is a good observation. ;)
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Re: Revision of the Character Score System

Postby whoman69 » September 14th, 2009, 9:13 pm

I don't know if a program could be developed that recognizes impossible numbers coming up for either their attributes or their fatigue/magicka/health. I've gone over the numbers for some of these claims and they don't add up. I haven't really looked at the attributes, but if someone claims they have 100 str and haven't worked on the skills involved...
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Re: Revision of the Character Score System

Postby Kestral » September 15th, 2009, 12:54 am

whoman69 wrote:I don't know if a program could be developed that recognizes impossible numbers coming up for either their attributes or their fatigue/magicka/health. I've gone over the numbers for some of these claims and they don't add up. I haven't really looked at the attributes, but if someone claims they have 100 str and haven't worked on the skills involved...

Perhaps this may be of use The Team. It would be a complicated script, and perhaps Tom wouldn't be able to do it because of Optic Gamer.
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