
Revision of the Character Score System

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Re: Revision of the Character Score System

Postby Xavier » April 13th, 2009, 9:58 pm

Ashk. Ashina Zelaku wrote:Wait for me!

It would be unfair to penalise some players who have different sorts of classes and roleplay that don't require the skills of a demi-god. You could revise it so that the overall score is based on how good the character is at their own class rather than just the maximum of everything.

Wow, great point. I'm not sure if that would be a long tedious process to code though.
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Re: Revision of the Character Score System

Postby Tom » April 13th, 2009, 10:22 pm

It would take a long time. I wouldn't be too opposed to doing it if someone could provide me with a full description of how the Score would be determined for each class. If someone can describe it completely and descriptively for me, I'll get to work on the code. I'm not in any mood to think up a full way of calculating the Score for all 21 classes individually. ;)

Also, keep in mind that most people use custom classes, so we would have to make sure that we go by combinations of major skills and attributes rather than just by the preset classes themselves (if that makes any sense).
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Re: Revision of the Character Score System

Postby Xavier » April 13th, 2009, 10:35 pm

I'm sure the other bright minds on here can conjure up something.
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Re: Revision of the Character Score System

Postby Ashk. Ashina Zelaku » April 14th, 2009, 12:21 am

It would take a long time. I wouldn't be too opposed to doing it if someone could provide me with a full description of how the Score would be determined for each class. If someone can describe it completely and descriptively for me, I'll get to work on the code. I'm not in any mood to think up a full way of calculating the Score for all 21 classes individually

Understood, I'll think about how I can describe it, if only for the sake of a friend who roleplays a monk :lol:

Also, keep in mind that most people use custom classes, so we would have to make sure that we go by combinations of major skills and attributes rather than just by the preset classes themselves (if that makes any sense).

It kind of makes sense. I think I get the overall idea. So, combat skills in one group, and magic in another, and the groups linked to thinks like strength, intelligence, etc.?
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Re: Revision of the Character Score System

Postby Legolastom » April 14th, 2009, 11:21 pm

Yeah my character is ranked 5th on the leaderboard even though he is quite rubbish to be honest, but because I have some large number in the statistics area I have a big score.
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Re: Revision of the Character Score System

Postby HabaneroRed » April 24th, 2009, 5:44 pm

Kestral wrote:After reading this I suppose we should find the highest stats possible to achieve legitimately. If they are higher than the max, than slap the character with an "Exploits used" until the character is fixed.

I disagree with Kestral here. How can you "fix" a character who used the Oghma Infinium after already maxing out his/her stats. Also, the characters who waited to use it probably planned to do so in the hopes of making their character the best possible. I think that using the different colored stars to denote mods/exploits is a sufficient way to handle this. Possibly, separate leaderboards could be used that disallow characters that use one/both of these. That way you have specialized, smaller leaderboards (No Exploits, No Mods, No Exploits and No Mods) along with the main one that includes everyone.

Edit: I forgot to mention. Codex's expansion on Teinaava's idea seems to be an appropriate way to score the characters. Primary statistics (health, level, magicka, attributes, skills) should carry the most weight, followed by factions, quests completed, oblivion gates closed, etc., with the nirnroots, locks picked and other misc stats contributing in a minor way.
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Re: Revision of the Character Score System

Postby Tom » April 24th, 2009, 8:32 pm

HabaneroRed wrote:I think that using the different colored stars to denote mods/exploits is a sufficient way to handle this. Possibly, separate leaderboards could be used that disallow characters that use one/both of these. That way you have specialized, smaller leaderboards (No Exploits, No Mods, No Exploits and No Mods) along with the main one that includes everyone.

That's a good idea. I could put filters on the leaderboards so that you can choose not to show characters that have used exploits, mods, or both. For now, the stars seem to suffice, but I will take you up on your suggestion and place such filters on the leaderboards, when I get the time.
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Re: Revision of the Character Score System

Postby Eskayti » May 11th, 2009, 5:04 am

Health, Magicka and Fatigue are different for each race, meaning, some races can't go any higher - like my Imperial who can't get a Magicka score higher than 200 - without exploits, and I don't use exploits, so it's kinda a gyp when overall scores reflect exploits that give the characters god-stats versus those who don't scores that can't be caught up to in any way shape or form.

Did that make sense? :?
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Re: Revision of the Character Score System

Postby Xavier » May 11th, 2009, 10:16 pm

Yeah, that makes sense.

We are definitely going to revise the score system with the member's suggestions and our own ideas.
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Re: Revision of the Character Score System

Postby Legolastom » May 22nd, 2009, 2:55 am

I would suggest just getting rid of the score system completely as in a role playing game it seems to be totally irrelevant, not to mention that it doesn't really judge anything. I just don't see the point of the leaderboard as it is easy to exploit and doesn't really mean anything anyway.

*Edited this post after I realized something*
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