
THOR - 5/6/11

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THOR - 5/6/11

Postby The Ninja » January 6th, 2011, 9:12 am

Who's excited for it? Thor and Silver Surfer are my absolute favorite heroes out of a comic book. Thor because he is part of Norse Mythology (I am Scandinavian), and silver surfer.... There needs to be no explanation why he is awesome, but Fantastic Four (movie #2) sucked because they got his power all wrong.... He has the power cosmic, not his board.... /rant

Anywho, it is released May 6th this year, and I was jsut wondering if there are any other enthusiasts around here for it. The Mjolnir at the end of Iron Man 2 made me jump out of my seat and yell "THOOOOOOOR!" at the top of my lungs. Great to see that the next installment of the MArvel movie series is going to be a good one.

SO far in the chain of mvies for the "Avengers" we had Hulk first, Iron Man 1 and 2(Blakc Widow is also part of the Avengers, and Nick Fury is their leader. He HAS been in each, so it is only logical that they are making an "Avengers" series), and now Thor.

Discuss. :D
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Re: THOR - 5/6/11

Postby The Ninja » January 20th, 2011, 12:03 am



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Re: THOR - 5/6/11

Postby Tom » January 20th, 2011, 4:00 am

Seems like a good movie. Marvel-based movies are generally good in most aspects, so I would expect this to turn out similar to those of the past (which is a good thing). It will be interesting to see what they come up with for Thor.
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Re: THOR - 5/6/11

Postby The Ninja » March 6th, 2011, 10:15 pm

Trailer 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JOddp-nlNvQ

Trailer 2 (Lol, Thor gets tased. How ironic.): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uHBnrJowBZE
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Re: THOR - 5/6/11

Postby cheesyrice » March 7th, 2011, 1:37 am

haha loved the the part where they stare at her and she says "WHAT HE WAS FREAKING ME OUT" HAHAHAHA
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