
Website Update Log

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Website Update Log

Postby Tom » January 22nd, 2013, 7:17 am

The Elder Stats — Website Update Log

This thread is meant as a central location for us to alert the community about small updates that are made to the site from time to time. Sometimes an update that is made to the site is small enough that it doesn't deserve its own announcement thread, but is still important enough that the community should know about it. This topic is where alerts regarding such updates will be posted from here on out.

If you have any comments about anything we post in this thread, please tell us by posting in the Site Feedback & Discussion forum, since this topic is locked so that only site administrators can reply.
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Re: Website Update Log

Postby Tom » January 22nd, 2013, 7:17 am

Maximum allowed photos per character increased to 25 photos

Today, we've increased the maximum allowed number of photos that can be uploaded for each of your characters from 20 photos to a new value of 25 photos. We saw that some characters were beginning to reach the maximum photo limit of 20, and we therefore decided to expand this limit a bit since we currently have the available resources to do so.
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Re: Website Update Log

Postby Tom » January 31st, 2013, 8:53 pm

Direct URLs to character photos are now displayed under each photo on character profiles

There have been complaints in the past regarding the fact that photos that are uploaded to characters' profiles are not able to be directly linked to (for use in character Journal entries, in posts on forums, etc.). Now, every photo displayed on a character's profile has the direct URL to access that photo displayed right below it. Just click the URL to select it, and then you may copy and paste it wherever you'd like to provide a direct link to that photo!
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Re: Website Update Log

Postby Tom » March 6th, 2013, 2:50 am

Maximum character level allowed on Skyrim character profiles has been increased past 99

Up until now, the maximum level that you could input for a Skyrim character in his/her profile was 99. However, due to an upcoming Skyrim patch that will supposedly allow leveling past 100 for characters, the maximum level allowed to be entered for Skyrim characters has been increased to allow 3 digits instead of the previous value of 2 digits (thus increasing the level limit past 99).

See this discussion topic for information on how this decision was made.
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Re: Website Update Log

Postby Tom » June 14th, 2013, 7:56 am

Characters marked in their profiles as having used Exploits can no longer receive Legitimacy Votes

As of a few days ago, any character that has listed in their profile that they have used exploits in-game to increase stats is no longer able to be voted as legitimate/illegitimate using the Legitimacy Rating System, which is present on each character profile across the site. This change was implemented because it seemed rather redundant to allow users to rate characters as "illegitimate" after they have already admitted to having used exploits. Any characters that have used exploits but have been previously marked as "Illegitimate by the community" are now no longer marked as such, and are allowed to be displayed on the leaderboards again under the "Characters with Exploits" category.
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Re: Website Update Log

Postby Tom » July 3rd, 2013, 5:02 am

Options added to disable both Character Ratings (on the 1 to 5 scale) and Legitimacy Voting on Character Profiles

First, the character ratings system, which allows visitors to characters' profiles to rate the character on a scale of 1 to 5, has been made optional. It is enabled by default, but character authors are now allowed to disable this ratings system by editing the character's profile and modifying the appropriate setting under the "Additional Settings" area on the left side bar.

Second, and more important, character authors can now choose to disallow viewers from voting their character as legitimate or illegitimate using the Legitimacy Ratings system present on all character profiles. The system is enabled by default, but it can now be disabled only if you believe that it is being abused by voters who are downvoting your character unjustly. More information on this change can be found in the announcement topic on this.

Added new Spells and Dragon Shouts introduced by the Dragonborn DLC

This small change is a bit late, but we've added any new spells and dragon shouts that were introduced to Skyrim by the Dragonborn DLC, so that these spells and shouts can now be chosen for the "Favorite Spell" and "Favorite Shout" stats under the "Magic" tab on character profiles.
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