
Notice About the Oghma Infinium

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Notice About the Oghma Infinium

Postby Tom » May 6th, 2009, 9:43 pm

This is an important announcement for characters that have made use of the Oghma Infinium at any point. The Oghma Infinium was once considered an exploit by The Elder Stats. However, after some discussion with the community and some long thought, we have decided not to consider the Oghma Infinium an exploit on The Elder Stats any longer. This means that if your character has used the Oghma Infinium at any point, you do not have to list it as an exploit used.

However, just because the Oghma Infinium is no longer considered an exploit does not mean that you do not have to indicate that you've used it for your characters if you did. There is now a new field in the User Control Panel when you modify a character, and this field is in the Section #1 - Primary Information box on the page. The new field is labeled "Oghma Infinium" and the options next to it are "Yes" and "No". If you have used the Oghma Infinium at any time for the character, then you must select "Yes" for that field. Otherwise, you can leave it set at "No". So, although you do not need to mention the Oghma Infinium as an exploit for your characters anymore, you still are required to indicate that you've used it for a character in the UCP using the method I just described.

For reference and more information on this new change, please read the new Rule #11 which corresponds with this announcement.

Thank you for your cooperation, and please be sure to read the new rule and abide by this new feature.
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