
Gallowglasses versus Ninjas

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Re: Gallowglasses versus Ninjas

Postby Sithis » May 8th, 2010, 8:12 pm

Lol I just got number 1...that is a funny contradiction.
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Re: Gallowglasses versus Ninjas

Postby JerryPons85 » May 24th, 2011, 11:52 pm

Offcourse ninja will win.
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Re: Gallowglasses versus Ninjas

Postby The Ninja » May 25th, 2011, 1:36 am

JerryPons85 wrote:Offcourse ninja will win.

^_^ *clap, clap, clap*
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Re: Gallowglasses versus Ninjas

Postby Emperor Casellas I » July 19th, 2011, 8:51 pm

What a big argument between The Ninja, and Kestral. Well Kestral... I agree with The Ninja, although he may be acting like "I know it all!", he's right.
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Re: Gallowglasses versus Ninjas

Postby whoman69 » July 20th, 2011, 3:04 pm

Just watched an episode of Mythbusters from season 4 debunking much of the ninja myth. Their theory was the ninja overplayed their abilities to build their reputations. I have no doubt they were skilled assassins. Popular culture has also continued the myth of the ninja. They could not catch arrows out of the air or walk on water. In regard to honor, not really sure how much honor it takes to stab someone in the back or kill someone in their sleep. That sounds more like the calling card of a ruthless killer.
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Re: Gallowglasses versus Ninjas

Postby altmer_monk_0 » July 20th, 2011, 10:29 pm

wat is a gallowglass?
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Re: Gallowglasses versus Ninjas

Postby Emperor Casellas I » July 21st, 2011, 11:01 pm

altmer_monk_0 wrote:wat is a gallowglass?

Check this wikipedia for more: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gallowglass
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Re: Gallowglasses versus Ninjas

Postby The Ninja » July 22nd, 2011, 6:38 am

whoman69 wrote:Just watched an episode of Mythbusters from season 4 debunking much of the ninja myth. Their theory was the ninja overplayed their abilities to build their reputations. I have no doubt they were skilled assassins. Popular culture has also continued the myth of the ninja. They could not catch arrows out of the air or walk on water. In regard to honor, not really sure how much honor it takes to stab someone in the back or kill someone in their sleep. That sounds more like the calling card of a ruthless killer.

You're right. They can't really catch arrows, or walk on water, but I've seen my uncle's ninjitsu master take a full beer bottle, unopened, on a wooden table, and slam it down, making a bottle-sized hole in the table, and my uncle caught it unerneath. The bottle was completely intact, and not damaged. Talk about skill...
Also, he too three large bricks of ice, "focused his chi/chakra" (I think that part is bull-crap), and struck the top block, which remained in one piece, the second one shattered, completely, and the third on remained intact. That's insane, and I don't know enough about physics to figure that one out.
Effeciency is stabbing someone in their sleep, whereas there is more risk of failure and dying if you face them while they are awake. If I were in Iraq and my enemy is running from me, I'll shoot the b@st@rd in the back, no problem. Is that dishonorable? I think not. They ARE effecient killers.
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Re: Gallowglasses versus Ninjas

Postby Torapa » July 7th, 2013, 8:30 pm

Ninja's are pussies who can't hold their whiskey, unlike the Gall-Oglaigh who usually fight fiercer with a little whiskey in their bellies. Also the ancient tartans were a natural camoflage unlike black pajamas and silly toe socks! Let's see a ninja [word censored] spend a fortnight outdoors in the Scottish Highlands in January with nothing but his wits and the clothes on his back!
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